• Google Translate Document

    Google Translate Document

    Support PDF, TXT, DOC, PPT, XLS, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, Google format documents or RTF file type. Translate from Document URL Translate from File Translator Source - Target Open in the previous window.Translate from Document URL Translate immediately via a URL that you select. There are some file-size(about 1000Kb,1M) limits. License key cracker software. Simply click the 'Translate from Document URL' after select a file.Translate from File You can translate more large file than above 'Translate from Document URL'. After saving the file, Open a file manually to translate. Simply drag your file into the file-input-box.

    Please note that some of your original formatting may not be preserved. This is a free translation tool, which uses computer programs to translate between languages.

    It provides an easy way to translate whole documents, without the need for copying and pasting large blocks of text. Provides connect with Google Drive, you can open this translator with a document file on Google Drive. Ⓒ Translate for Google Drive, 2019.

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    May 7, 2018 - Google Translate is free, and its algorithm is increasingly sophisticated. Translate important documents into foreign languages for the benefit.

    Google Translate Document